Apr 28, 2011

Party Time ! This Sunday

Everyone is invited!!
This Sunday May 1
2 - 5 PM (Open House Format)
Bristol Wood

Please bring what you want to drink, everything else provided
Invite your neighbors, friends and relatives to come
Bristol Woods is on county Road MB south of County Road C. 

From Kenosha/Pleasant Prairie.  C south from Hwy 50 (75th St.).  To MB south to park.  MB is approximately half way between I-94 and US HWY 45.

From Burlington/Westosha.  Hwy 50 east to MB.  South to park.

You are great!  The desperate tactics of the Wirch campaign are not working.  As of now, thousands have received phone calls from Wirch asking if they had been coerced or deceived into signing a recall petition.  We are standing up to them!  This invasion of privacy and totally unsuccessful ploy is completely backfiring.

This will not work.  First, signatures, once turned in, cannot be deleted except for being out of district or having an incorrect address.  Second, it is motivating us even more that Senator Wirch must be shown the door.  He showed himself the door when he went to Illinois in February and we must make sure we, his constituents, show him the door in the recall election.  Think about what you can do to volunteer in the election.

Let's make history together,


Democrat Intimidation Tactics In Kenosha

Contact: Dan Hunt 262-298-9422 April 27, 2011
Democrat Intimidation Tactics In Kenosha

Kenosha, WI – Dan Hunt, Chairman of Taxpayers to Recall Robert Wirch, is calling on Senator Wirch to denounce the harassing telephone calls to constituents who lawfully signed recall petitions.
Yesterday, hundreds of individuals who signed Wirch recall petitions began receiving harassing phone calls by a telemarketing firm from Minneapolis. The phone callers, paid for by the Democratic Party, were apparently an attempt to trick constituents into believing they had not signed Wirch recall petitions.
“The Democratic Party is clearly attempting to intimidate those who signed the petitions,” said Hunt. “This harassment should be halted immediately and Senator Wirch should denounce the tactics employed by the Democrats in their attempt to disenfranchise recall petitioners.”
The Kenosha antics come on the heels of fraudulent phone calls made to petitions signers in Senator Dave Hansen’s district. “It’s clear the Democrats know their Senators are in danger of losing their seats. But intimidation and fraudulent tactics aren’t a good way to earn back the support of their constituents,” said Hunt.

Taxpayers to Recall Robert Wirch is a citizens group formed to recall State Senator Robert Wirch
for failure to perform his duties for his constituents.

Stop Scaring Little Old Ladies Bob

Bob, Please denounce any, perceived or otherwise, harassment  of your constituents.  Are you a “man of the people, a hero”  then stand up for the people of his district and not run away this time from helping.  Certainly any state Senator wouldn’t want little old ladies in his district thinking they have done something wrong and now the state will be looking for them.   Stop scaring innocent people Mr. Wirch.  You can do that can’t you? 

Apr 26, 2011

Voter Imtimidation Action Alert

Has your privacy been invaded by the Democratic party?  Have they called you asking if you really intended to sign the petition or were coerced into signing it?

All of us need to work together to to stop this intimidating practice whether you have been called or not.  Call Senator Wirch at his office 608-267-8979 (Madison) and call him at 262-694-7379 (Kenosha).  Tell him to stop calling his constituents.  Overwhelm him with 18,300 phone calls.


ill-conceived, ham-handed and thuggish strategy that can only backfire

Fully Story

in recent weeks, we have been dismayed to see Democrats and their union allies try to extend the fight from the polling place to, first, local businesses and more recently charitable fundraisers. Since they can't immediately get Walker into a net, they're widening it to wage political war against individuals who have made political contributions to his campaign.

It is an ill-conceived, ham-handed and thuggish strategy that can only backfire and cost the unions and Democrats support.

We have only to look to Union Grove, here in Racine County, for evidence of that. Last month, representatives of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees went around to small businesses in Union Grove and asked them to display pro-union signs in their windows. Some did, but those that didn't soon got a follow-up letter from AFSCME saying failure to put the union sign in their window would result in a boycott. Ah, the steel pipe in a velvet glove - please, or else.

When the Union Grove attempt became public, it did indeed create a backlash. and state union leaders quickly backed away from the tactic, laying it off to "some overzealousness in the field."
But no sooner had the Union Grove sign flap died down when we read that some of the union supporters and Democrats are trying to put Johnsonville bratwurst on the spit
Journal Times Editorial Board JournalTimes.com | Posted: Saturday, April 23, 2011 5:01 pm |

Apr 21, 2011

NBC 4 coverage -State Senators React to Recall Campaigns

Fox 6 coverage - Eight recall petitions officially filed with Government Accountability Board

CBS 58 News - Organizers file senator recall petitions - Robert Wirch, Alberta Darling

CBS 58 News - Organizers file senator recall petitions - Robert Wirch, Alberta Darling

ABC 12 coverage -Eight Recall Petitions Now Filed Against State Senators - Politics News Story - WISN Milwaukee

Eight Recall Petitions Now Filed Against State Senators - Politics News Story - WISN Milwaukee

Photos from Today

Here's just a few photos from this morning when we turned in the signatures.
More to come

Counting of signatures

Walking the signatures to the GAB

District 22 Signatures

2:00 News Conference in  Kenosha

Counting Signatures

Dan being interviewed in Madison after turning in signatures

Kim (from Northern WI) turning in her signatures to recall her Senator

CRG's sign tag along with the signatures

News crews covering the turning in of the signatures at the GAB in Madison

The box of "Recall Gold" !   Can't see this too much.  Always a good thing

Both groups (from Kenosha and Northern WI) walk the signatures to the GAB in Madison

Apr 20, 2011

We will turn the petitions in tomorrow in Madison


We did it!!!!

It's all over!!!!

We will turn the petitions in tomorrow in Madison

We all need to take a moment to congratulate each other for the extraordinary work this represents

You are all invited to the press conference in Pleasant Prairie at 2 PM, Thursday.  It is at the Holiday Inn Express, 7887 94th Ave.

Also, make sure you put 2 important dates on your calendars.

Tuesday, April 26 at 6:30 PM
Training for Elections

The recall accomplishes nothing if we don't win the election!

Sunday, May 1
Celebration Rally

Apr 19, 2011

Save the Date for a Victory Celebration


Save the Date

Sunday, May 1

Victory Celebration, Place and Time TBD. 

Picnic with brats, burgers and hot dogs.  Bring your kids, parents and grandparents, even that weird uncle no one speaks to (I have one too).  If you like blow out parties this is a can't miss event but if you do miss it its a can't be there event.  Either way the party will be GREAT.

A quick update on where we are in the recall effort. 

First, we are finished collecting signatures.  That is incredible!!  We have enough for the recall and enough over 13,537 to provide a good cushion.  You were unbelievable in your commitment and hard work to accomplish this!  Actually, we are putting the numbers together and we will be very close to our goal of 18,000 signatures.  If you still have petition forms continue to send them in or call us at 262-298-9422.  We will pick them up at your home.

Second, we will be turning the signatures.  We don't yet know which day but will let you know as soon as we do.  This means the Wirch replacement election will be either the latter part of July or the first part of August.  Won't that be fun!
Continuing to Make History,


Apr 16, 2011

We're Here! We're Clear! Get Used To It !

~16 Minutes of Sarah Palin
from the Tea Party Movement's Tax Day Gathering in Madison WI on April 16th

 Mr. President  ...  Game On

~7 Minutes of Andrew Breitbart's speech in Madison April 16th

Modern Day Peace Movement

Apr 14, 2011

Are you as tired of the threats as we are?

For daring to use our constitutionally protected rights ..... they threaten to boycott...... but do not even leave a return address?  Are you as tired of the threats as we are?

Tax Day Rally at State Capitol April 16th 12 PM – 2 PM

Join AFP & Sarah Palin this Saturday!

Former Vice-Presidential candidate and Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin has confirmed to speak at our Tax Day Rally this Saturday. Come join Gov. Palin, Americans for Prosperity, and conservatives from around Wisconsin to rally for lower taxes, limited government, and economic prosperity across Wisconsin and our great nation.
What: Tax Day Rally with AFP and Gov. Sarah Palin
When: April 16th, 2011 12 PM – 2 PM
Where: State Capitol, Madison, WI (East wing of Capitol and King Street)

Sign up here to ride one of the buses traveling from locations across Wisconsin.
Plan on driving to Madison? We’ll have remote parking with shuttles at the MATC parking lot. For directions and to learn more, click here.

Together, let's continue to stand up and support conservative leaders who are making the tough decisions and hold those that refuse to accountable.  The fight is not over in Wisconsin.  We must remain steadfast in our efforts return our state and nation back on a path to fiscal sanity.

I hope you will be able to join us!
Matt Seaholm
State Director
Americans for Prosperity - Wisconsin

Apr 11, 2011

Union Leader respects recall volunteers for how they conducted themselves in this process

Fully Story by Legal Insurrection

The efforts to recall state Senator Robert Wirch serves as a good example.  As I noted in a prior post, the organizers of the recall effort, who have operated on a shoestring budget with little outside help, obtained enough signatures as of a week ago to mandate a recall election.

I spoke this weekend with
Dan Hunt of Recall Wirch, and the news has improved even more since then.
Recall Wirch has almost no budget, but has attracted protesters to its recall petition drives who attempt to intimidate both the signature collectors and voters.  Recall Wirch, according to Hunt, has been reduced to trying to outfox the protesters by creating multiple locations to collect signatures and shifting efforts from location to location.  According to Hunt:
"For instance, they started by trying to inhibit signature collection at our drive-thrus. They would show up at our locations in force and dare people to stop. They would shout and wave protest signs. Our volunteers were intimidated to do anything to counter them because we were badly outnumbered. We stopped this one Saturday morning. We had planned to be in two places on that Saturday morning. They knew exactly where we would be and planned to be in both places in overwhelming force. We then made them think that we had abandoned one of the locations and would only be in one place. They showed up in major numbers at the place they thought we would be except we weren't there either. We had sent our people to other locations without letting them know. They stayed for an hour and a half - forty to fifty people before they realized they had been fooled. That took the wind out of their sails for the rest of the campaign. After that we started thanking them for coming to our events because we realized they helped us by creating publicity and circus which actually drove our drive-thru numbers up.

There are countless ways we used their tactics against them. One was at our final drive-thru yesterday. We invited the demonstrators to come, thinking they really wouldn't. But they did. About 15 showed up. We had doughnuts and coffee waiting for them which I, as the leader of the recall effort, served to them thanking them for being there and for all they had done to help us achieve our goal. We had prizes planned for them for the best T-shirt, best protest sign and dog biscuits for the 2 German Shepherd mix dogs that were at many of our events. All of this for reverse psychological effect. And it worked! While most of them refused my hospitality one of the union leaders came to me as he was leaving several hours later and thanked me for the professional organization I was running. He told me that he respected me as a leader and especially our recall volunteers for how they conducted themselves in this process."
Despite the attempts to disrupt the petition drive, Recall Wirch has met with great success.  The recall petitions in the Wirch district are not due until April 25, but as of this weekend Recall Wirch had collected several thousand signatures more than necessary.

Apr 7, 2011

Drive-Thru Finale & Open House

Come out Saturday April, 9                             
(Yes,Demonstrators, We are really going to be there, this time)
Share your stories of collecting signatures at the
Citgo Drive-Thru Finale Open House at 57th Ave. and 75th Street Kenosha WI
Between 10:00 to 12:00

All are welcomed
Bring your favorite support sign(s)
Most important bring your remaining signature sheets

Central Casting Call for our favorite Demonstrators to come for special awards.
  • We Heart the "Citgo DogMan" with his two pet dogs
  • The "High Priestess of Forest Park" School
  • The "Use Your Kids to Block Traffic Unionistas" of Burlington  
  • The "Black Pick-Up Man" of PP from Tuesday
  • The "Traffic Scofflaw" Woman of PP from Tuesday
  • Demonstrators Welcome, show your true colors
We'll be awarding a Blue Ribbon for the best Anti-Recall sign

Senator Wirch Needs Volunteers

Data Entry Volunteers Needed | Defend Wisconsin Posted on April 07, 2011
The GOP-led campaign to recall Democratic Senator Bob Wirch is reported to be filing the requisite signatures next week. We will then have just 2-3 days to enter over 20,000 signatures. Consequently, efforts are underway to compile a list of volunteers who will be ready to mobilize at a moment’s notice. If you are interested in helping with data entry, please see the following message from Nick Niles, Recall Volunteer Outreach Coordinator at Wisconsin Progress:
Read at

via http://media.causes.com/1051393

Apr 6, 2011

30 Second TV Spot on Fox News, CNN, & MSNBC

Watch on Tuesday for the Time Warner Cable Spot
   CNN  Apr 14, 2011 19:50 Thu
 CNN Apr 15, 2011 06:15 Fri
FXNC Apr 15, 2011 07:49 Fri
MNBC Apr 15, 2011 07:49 Fri
MNBC Apr 15, 2011 08:29 Fri
CNN Apr 15, 2011 08:31 Fri
FXNC Apr 15, 2011 08:50 Fri
FXNC Apr 15, 2011 09:49 Fri
CNN Apr 15, 2011 10:15 Fri
CNN Apr 15, 2011 13:15 Fri
FXNC Apr 15, 2011 13:20 Fri
FXNC Apr 15, 2011 13:49 Fri
MNBC Apr 15, 2011 14:10 Fri
MNBC Apr 15, 2011 15:10 Fri
MNBC Apr 15, 2011 22:29 Fri
MNBC Apr 16, 2011 06:10 Sat
FXNC Apr 16, 2011 06:20 Sat
FXNC Apr 16, 2011 07:49 Sat
CNN Apr 16, 2011 07:50 Sat
MNBC Apr 16, 2011 08:10 Sat
FXNC Apr 16, 2011 08:49 Sat
CNN Apr 16, 2011 09:15 Sat
FXNC Apr 16, 2011 09:50 Sat
CNN Apr 16, 2011 13:15 Sat
FXNC Apr 16, 2011 13:50 Sat
MNBC Apr 16, 2011 14:49 Sat
MNBC Apr 16, 2011 16:10 Sat
FXNC Apr 16, 2011 17:20 Sat
ESPN Apr 16, 2011 18:45 Sat
CNN Apr 16, 2011 20:50 Sat
FXNC Apr 16, 2011 21:49 Sat
MNBC Apr 16, 2011 23:29 Sat
MNBC Apr 17, 2011 06:10 Sun
FXNC Apr 17, 2011 06:20 Sun
CNN Apr 17, 2011 07:50 Sun
MNBC Apr 17, 2011 08:10 Sun
CNN Apr 17, 2011 08:15 Sun
FXNC Apr 17, 2011 08:49 Sun
CNN Apr 17, 2011 09:15 Sun
MNBC Apr 17, 2011 09:49 Sun
CNN Apr 17, 2011 09:50 Sun
FXNC Apr 17, 2011 11:49 Sun
MNBC Apr 17, 2011 12:49 Sun
MNBC Apr 17, 2011 13:10 Sun
MNBC Apr 17, 2011 14:49 Sun
FXNC Apr 17, 2011 15:20 Sun

Apr 4, 2011

Congratulations! We made History Together!

Apr 3, 2011

Be sure to be Counted


Remember when you were waiting to be chosen for the sandlot team.  You would do anything to make sure you weren't chosen last.  Jump up and down, say the team captain's name over and over again - anything to be chosen before the last person.  Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't.  If truth be told all of us have been the last chosen at some point in our lives.

The same is true for our recall petitions.  Only this time you don't have to jump up and down or scream someone's name.  You only have to make sure we receive your petition forms.  You see, we are almost down to the last person to be chosen.  We are nearing the end.  So we need your petition form regardless of how many signatures are needed to complete them.

You can do one of 2 things about it.  One, mail the forms to PO Box 26, Silver Lake, WI 53170.  The mail has worked.  So please mail them in by Tuesday.

Second, take advantage of our pick up option.  You may call us at 262-298-9422.  We will ask you for your name, address and phone number.  We will then call you back to confirm your address and tell you who will pick up the petition(s). 

Either way the names on your petitions will be sure to be counted.  you won't be the last one chosen.

Let's Make History Together,
