Feb 25, 2011

Use your Skills

Wisconsin needs your help !
Choose the position(s) that works best for you and your skills.
Looking for the following spots to be filled:

Click this Link & fillout the form, which will send your information to recallwirch@gmail.com

* Local Leader - coordinate the supporters, in your area of the district.
* Dropper - drop handouts into newspaper boxes without knocking on doors.
* Ringer - go door to door in key wards to get signatures.
* Signer - we need 20,000 of you.
* Hunter - simply call local businesses and ask for permission to stand outside their doors to get signers, and report back to the local leaders with a yes or no for the location.
* Driver - deliver a pizza and gather signature(s) during "recallwithcheese" events.
* Rallier - organized the mayhem, be a greeter, work the registration, petition or volunteer table(s), as well as passing out materials during rally events.
* Rally Security - burly people to help keep the order
* Runner - assist local leader as right-hand man/woman as needed.
* Surfer - use facebook, twitter etc .. to get the word out. We only have 6 weeks.
* Funder - donate some of your hard earned money.
* YouTuber - someone with skills in making videos to post on the web as well as make news release material.

Send us an email at recallwirch@gmail.com to claim a spot that fits your talents and desires